Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Stuffing Etsy

Instead of doing laundry, I have been playing around with Etsy. At least the dishes are clean. But not for long because I am going to try and get a head start and make a few side dishes today. On the menu: All the normal stuff (turkey, stuffing, mash taters, gravy) green bean casserole, brussel sprouts (because we love'em around these parts!), cranberry stuff, green stuff (you make it with marshmallows, pistachio pudding, pineapple, and cool whip), rolls. Standard fair. For dessert I thought I'd use my muffin pans, make bread pudding, line the pans, add homemade apple pie filling in the center, top with crumble topping. Serve with ice cream and caramel syrup.

Anyways, I had some time to put a few items in my shop.


  1. I love those little Mason jar pincushions. I just opened a little Etsy shop today and I'm so excited!!!

  2. I love those pincushions too! I'm going to have to buy one when I sell something. Isn't that how it works?? haha

    Have a happy thanksgiving!

  3. Okay I've just got to ask this question because like I said earlier in another reply I have thousands of vintage buttons from my grandmother after she past away that I seriously need to use up. My question is: did you somehow glue mini buttons to pins to make those that are pushed into the pincushion? If so what type of glue did you use? thanks, Melissa


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