Thursday, April 15, 2010

Time just slips by

I have about 100 pictures on my camera to blog about but do I prioritize my time to post here? Apparently not! And now that more of my local friends (and family) read this blog I have been getting gentle nudges to update. I have been so busy! Gardening tops the list. I have lots of before and after shots. My husband and I took last week off and stayed home during the most perfect spring weather to get a few home tasks completed. It was the best vacation ever!

And this weekend I am hosting a Handmade Open House at my home. Eight lovely ladies who either craft or run a home business will gather with their items to sell their wares. I am pretty excited about it. My friend put together this same event just before Xmas of last year and it was a huge success. And then she graciously volunteered my home for the next one! We figured some date before Mother's Day would work well. And here I am feverishly getting the house in order and driving Jeff nuts. :)

I also decided to reupholster this couch rather than make the slip cover. I read about upholstery and spoke with a lady who gave me some great tips to get started. With the clean lines of the sofa and relatively simple shape I am going to dive in and go for it. I also finally found the upholstery fabric. Now I just need to get started... I may need a few rainy days to justify the time spent indoors.


  1. Hi LeeAnn, I was wondering where you'd gotten yourself off to! Glad to see you posting.

    I'm just as bad - I have to post something today, it's been a month since my last post ... and things have been happening, slowly, but happening.


  2. Oh, and of course - good luck with your Open House, hope you all sell lots!

  3. That sounds like fun! Let us know how it goes. :D

    I also wouldn't mind a little more information on how it works if you have the time to let me know. That sounds like something I'd like to organize!


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