Sunday, May 20, 2007

Wedding Weekend

I just went to a "Martha Stewart" Wedding. Seriously. My cousin got married yesterday. It was probably the best wedding I have been to. Everything was so fun. Her groom has a sod farm so they converted one of their machine barns to a garden party for the reception. It was a class act. They sodded the entire floor. The entire place smelled of roses and lilac. I think that has something to do with the hundred potted roses and lilacs surrounding the tables. The centerpieces where gorgeous! I even got to take one home! And they gave out African Violets as favors. I had been wanting a few of those. They also had those huge round lanterns strung from the ceiling providing the soft light throughout the evening. Sadly, my indoor photography skills are lacking and only came away with these no-so-decent shots. But you get the idea.

Oh, and let me mention they used an old milk tank to keep the beverages cold! Can you tell we are a Ag family?

And speaking of more family, I walked into my grandmothers TV room only to find a stack of these old family blankets. -- - -Drools- - ---


  1. What an amazing wedding!

  2. wow...that looks like a beautiful wedding! and that stack of quilts...I'd have to second the drool comment. they look lovely.

  3. Looks like a beautiful wedding. I used to art direct events and am a huge snob when it comes to event decor, haha. I think your cousin's wedding passed the test.

  4. Sounds like a fantastic wedding! I developed a bit of a passion for african violets this past year. I finally figured out how to keep them alive, and they are so pretty!

  5. That wedding must have been a grand kind of time! I would've been oohing and aahing I'm sure.
    And I just love those quilts! You can't help but hug quilts like that.

  6. Oooh so pretty. I actually like those kind of dark wedding pictures, they add a nice mood.

  7. What an awesome setting for a wedding. It looks fabulous!

  8. Wow, what a beautiful wedding! And I'm totally drooling over those "blankets"! My Mom always had a stack of those at her house too, "just things she threw together", lol.

    Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog--which incited me to come on over and give yours a read! I'm gonna add you to my blog link list so I remember to come back often!
    Smiles, Karen

  9. Oh wow, that looks gorgeous!

  10. I never knew I needed an old milk tank.. But apparently I do.

    Hey. I stumbled back a few posts and I wish we were neighbors too. I love your stoop.. I am saying hey and then back to reading your archives...

  11. Love this post! We have some photos of your wedding flowers on our website, at least I am pretty sure we do. I can't believe I went all this time not knowing you had a blog!


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