Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Progression of the Front Garden 2014

Landscaping 2009- Move In Day. Lots of Hostas!

 When we purchased our home there wasn't much landscaping established. Which can be good if you love gardening (which I do!) but bad if you are indecisive (which I am!).  The other morning I stayed up after the 5:30 am feeding for Lillian and decided to take advantage of the coolness of the morning and enjoy some outside time to myself while my husband was still home.  I grabbed a cup of tea and my gloves and headed outside for some long overdue weeding. 

But before we get to that, I had some fun looking through old photos to see how the landscaping is progressing.

 A year after we moved in I dug up all the hostas. They all desperately needed split.  The lime green ones overgrew the space and the variegated variety were constantly being eaten by beetles. Some plants made it to the neighbors and the rest were re-homed to the woods. I moved a weigela bush that was planted outback to the spot in between the garage windows. There were two azalea bushes already there.  It stayed like this for a season before I found a handful of hydrangea bushes for $2ea at Lowes.

Spring 2011 Front Garden

Spring 2012
The fall of 2011 I tore everything out again. Moved the azaleas and weigela bushes over by the front step and centered under the window and planted 150 tulips bulbs. I also started a row of coral bells along the front edge.   Four hydrangeas were placed under the windows of the garage. At $2 each for gallon plants I knew I could plant them here and move them elsewhere in a couple of years if they outgrew the space. 

Last year (2013) I didn't make any changes. But sadly only a dozen tulips or so came back. :(

Now this year. With a new baby. I mulched this spring at 30 some weeks pregnant and did nothing else.  So last week I stepped outside into the morning light and set to work.

Summer 2014
 The hydrangeas are going crazy. Crazy beautiful, but all of them can't stay here for another season. One of the plants has a very strong central leader. I am thinking of pruning that one into a tree. I hope it works out. I know I will have to keep it trimmed up but it could turn into something unique and beautiful. Two others are going to be relocated to the edge of the potager garden once that is finished. One will stay.

I only weeded half the garden before my little Lily-putian started calling.

 This is the other half that needs completed. But you can see how the weigela has completely outgrown itself, even with harsh trimmings each year.  I need something else for the space. Preferably evergreen. And my coral bells need split again (yay!). I will continue to plant those further down the walk. And the azaleas are still there. Turns out they are a dwarf variety. I need a better spot for them or they will get re-homed into the woods as well.

My tea cup
I am so glad I decided not to put in a vegetable garden this year. If I had it would have been hopelessly abandoned by now.  My summer has been a summer of A/C with nursing Lillian. It felt so good to get outside and work.  After Lillian was fed the second time that morning, I slipped back outside to finish my tea and eat some breakfast.  I felt so accomplished and my mug gave me the positive affirmation I needed that day.

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