I took
Liana's advise from my previous posts comments and dug out my cut pattern remnants from the trash and taped the T-shirt pattern back together. I made two adjustments while I was at it by scooping out the neckline more and lengthening it by an inch and a half. And it turned out amazing! It feels so gratifying to actually make something that fits!
Thursday evening after work I stopped at JoAnn's to browse the clearance section and found an olive green jersey knit. After dinner I spent another 4 hours taping the pattern back together, cutting out the fabric, and copying/enlarging/cutting the rose pattern from the Alabama Stitch Book. At midnight I did attempt to start stitching but my eyes started to cross.
So I slept in (on a Friday!) and promptly moved into my sewing chair still in my pj's forgoing breakfast. I spent hours with a thread and needle doing the back stitch and half way through I questioned if the design was really worth all this effort.
Have I ever posted a picture of myself on this blog? I don't think so and if I did I don't think it was very clear. I suppose you now know whose behind the MintBasil blog! P.S. I always forget I have freckles on my lips. When I resized this photo I thought I had food on my mouth!
It's just a t-shirt to anyone else, but this shirt represents the first real success in making suitable clothes for myself. Talk about building up sewing self-esteem. And the reverse applique really makes it and I am happy that I actually successfully pulled off an Alabama project.
This is also my 200th blog post! I wasn't sure if I'd actually stick with this whole blogging thing, but little did I know what an amazing and creative community was waiting for me. I'd like to do a little give-a-way as a thank you for all your encouragement. Just tell me what you love most about this amazing crafting community. (And don't be bashful because I would actually say all the generous give-a-ways!) I'm not sure exactly what it will be, but I have a feeling it will involve fabric and my sewing machine. So leave a comment and make sure there is a way for me to get in contact with you if you win. The give-a-way is open until I blog my 201 post.